News persuades us the world goes round finance, loans, stakes, banks and oil price. However calculations prove human capital makes 80 per cent of global capital currently and its share is enlarging.
Well-educated specialists and scientists are the main wealth of our world (chapter 11). So why do football players, actors, tennis players, racers cost dozens of millions of dollars per annum whereas scientists cost almost nothing?
The world is on the threshold of knowledge-based technology revolutions so wealth created by scientists needs to be evaluated differently.
Another aspect about the importance of knowledge underestimated by humanity is that economists relate reasons behind crises to various financial problems whereas the actual reason concerns changes happened in global knowledge and its implementation.
As soon as the amount of knowledge produced by humanity is about half as much the level typical for the last technology revolution, a new crisis comes (chapter 5) and it marks entry to a new technology era and an oncoming change of the global economy.