A specialist’s contribution to GDP appears to depend on years of study exponentially, i.e. heavily (chapter 11).
If you studied 5 extra years your productivity is 10 times as high (58 per cent per annum). The reason is, in particular, that well-educated specialists lead new technology to their country and master it.
Well-educated nations are broadly recognized to leave others far, i.e. exponentially, behind as to GDP per capita.
In their global contest, the richest economies will struggle for educating more and more scientists and higher education professionals and this will be their top priority.
An interesting consequence of this pattern is that specialist teams can be much more efficient than individuals. To organize functioning of specialist teams is both challenging and extremely beneficial from the perspective of improving efficiency of business, countries and humanity as a whole.
Moreover, persistent is the task of changing education culture in countries, minimizing strive for individual leadership in favour of team working starting from school and further.